G20 Summit 2023


Author: Keshav P Chaulagain |

The Group of 20 conference, developed as an intergovernmental forum to discuss economic and other important issues of 20 industrially and economically prosperous countries in the world, is going to be held in New Delhi, India on September 9 and 10, 2023. Issues such as Russia, Ukraine and climate change will not affect the common agreement? It has also become a matter of concern. It is natural that Indian leadership ability and future course of action should become a subject of study for neighboring countries like Nepal. 

With the Russia & Ukraine war, the threat of the multipolar world becoming bipolar is worrying all peace lovers, and India's role and situation has also become an important issue. In February 2014, the Institute for Defense and Security Analysis (ISA) organized an Asian conference on "Emerging China's Trend and India's Response" in New Delhi. It was felt that India accepted the written and oral statement of the Chinese representative who said that the world is now divided between China and the US.

As a participant in the conference, this author published the article "Indo-Pacific and Strategic Areas of the Aryavarta" presenting the concept of "Ayarvat" as a concept of the multipolar world. Presenting a new concept as a Nepali intellectual rather than the Indian government and presenting the basis of a multipolar world, it has become an original Nepali strategic concept that can coordinate between the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and the American Millennium Challenge cooperation.

Due to the participation of India and China, who were neutral in the discussion and voting on the issue of Russian immigration to the United Nations, the joint resolution about Russian immigration could not be passed in the ministerial decision of the G20. In the context of the political and border dispute between China and India, which has led to a war and is currently clashing, what decision will the Indian leadership take on the issue of regional security and prosperity? There is a subject of waiting.

When the conference of the South Asian Cooperation Organization cannot be held due to the dispute between India and Pakistan, will China's participation in the G20 conference put the Indian leadership in the shadow? There is also a place to analyze that. After the 12-point proposal made by China to bring the Russia-Ukraine war to peace talks and Belarus supports the proposal, it seems that the discussion and influence of China will be in the conference.

In the industrial and economic situation, the Russian-Ukrainian war has had a great impact on the new world order, and when all the attention is directed towards China, will the Indian leadership cooperate or give a new option? It has become the subject of everyone's interest. The conference, which has the slogan "One World, One Family and One Future", has imbibed the ancient Vedic philosophy of "Basudhaiva Kutumvak". As the G20 international conference is important for India's neighboring countries from the point of view of geography, emotions and behavior, how will Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who gave the slogan 'neighborhood first', welcome the neighbors? Foreign experts are also interested.

When the SAARC conference could not even be held in Nepal, a non-governmental organization organized the Asia Pacific Summit in 2018 and brought the presence of heads of state, heads of government, former heads of state and former heads of government from many countries. "Addressing critical challenges of our time: Peace, Development, Good Governance and the Role of parliamentarians, from the discussion on Climate change the Role of faith-Based organizations and civil society, Role of media, peace initiatives and peace projects around the world, the head of state and The speech of the heads of government was able to reach the international level.

The thought that the world is being destroyed due to strategic and political reasons was also forced to think more by the infectious disease of Covid-19, then the author presented the concept of a new world order based on scientific calculations.In 1986, the International Year of Peace for the end of the Cold War, the World Peace Festival was held in 1986 as a witness of the event that finally ended the Cold War. While searching for an alternative to the failed Pujaism and Communism, the original philosophy and practice that can create a world of peace and tolerance has been confirmed through writing and sadhana. We have been able to challenge the international activities to save the earth and mankind from the terror and destruction caused by the economic and strategic gambits of world powers and nations.

With the geo-political importance of the citizens of Nepal, we have been advancing the divine power and spiritual power through sadhana and writing, protecting the country and people from the competition of neighboring India, China and distant Western powers, and taking measures to bring prosperity. With this background, we are conveying our thoughts that the G20 summit that is going to be held in India may also feel relief in South Asia.

When both of Nepal's big neighbors, China and India, are looking for their prosperity and security through the G20 summit, should we also think about the security and prosperity of neighboring Nepal? This is a question that we Nepalis are asked.When it comes to climate change, is there a program to protect our melting glaciers? It is a matter of waiting. Due to the political instability in the situation where public interest is high, will the government of Nepal be able to keep the necessary things or not? It is important.

As a country that has always been independent, it should provide direct and indirect support for the success of the conference. The Government of India should be able to believe that the presence of Lord Pashupatinath, Lord Gautama Buddha, Mother Janaki, Lord Muktinath and the highest peak Mount Everest in the country will make success easier.

If the Nepalese government can use religious diplomacy in this area where the religious sector can play a decisive role, it will contribute to peace and prosperity. With the concept of Pashupatinath and world order, the Government of India will be positive to achieve the harmony of Nepal.

Aryavarta: India will not hesitate to keep Nepal together with the spirit of Aryavarta among the virtuous Bhurmi. The presence of Nepal will be beneficial in reaching a common destination by conveying the message of Lord Buddha to the representatives of all the countries present. Nepal can play a role so that this conference does not fail because of China and India, just as the SAARC organization failed due to misunderstandings and tensions between India and Pakistan.

Due to track two diplomacy and religious and cultural short power, Nepali leadership can become acceptable for the new world order as well as having a positive effect on Nepal-India relations. Nepalese political sector and Indian administrative and intellectual sector seem to be indifferent towards religion and culture, so the contribution of religious and cultural sector is not being utilized.

Nepal will be able to become a leader by making use of the research and networks done by the Nepali religious sector. Research on the role of religion and spirituality in conflict transformation and peace-building, self-government and reconciliation, the foundation of the future world, and the book "Pashupatinath and World Order," we are able to contribute to the solution of national and international problems.

Due to involvement in discussions and research with international assembly conferences, international universities and think tank organizations, we are able to assist in summits like G20. The interest of Nepal's government and non-government sector in the G20 summit will help the Indian leadership.

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